NEST (Nutrition Education Skills Training) is a six-week program teaching adults about healthy eating and easy, affordable cooking in a friendly and fun environment. NEST is available in Adelaide, Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Canberra, Newcastle, Melbourne and Sydney.

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NEST (Nutrition Education Skills Training) is a six-week program teaching adults about healthy eating and easy, affordable cooking in a friendly and fun environment. NEST is available in Adelaide, Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Canberra, Newcastle, Melbourne and Sydney.

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Two OzHarvest female volunteers cooking during an ozharvest education class

How NEST works

OzHarvest’s NEST program is an easy and fun way to learn healthy eating habits and how to cook simple and low-cost meals in just six weeks. Each NEST session is held at the same day and time each week for 2.5 hours. It includes fun interactive activities, practical cooking classes, and the sharing of a meal together. OzHarvest NEST is aligned with the Australian Dietary Guidelines and works with everyone to set realistic goals around healthy eating, which are reviewed and revised each week, so real and lasting change can be made.

The NEST team provides all the food, equipment and educational materials required to deliver the program. At the final workshop, everyone receives a certificate and a take home toolkit, with infographic fact sheets and the OzHarvest Everyday Cookbook – packed full of easy, budget-friendly, delicious and nutritious photo-based recipes (all of which cost less than $3.00 per serve). The NEST infographic fact sheet is translated into Arabic, Mandarin, Cantonese, Dari, Farsi, Greek, Italian, Russian, Tamil, and Urdu.

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Two OzHarvest female volunteers cooking during an ozharvest education class

NEST Youth is here!

Our NEST program has grown from strength to strength, and we are excited to have launched our new tailored Youth program! This 6-week flavour packed adventure is designed for students aged 14 – 18 and is full of cooking and nutrition tips and tricks. Each session is 2.5 hours and is jam packed full of exciting nutrition games, team cooking and the chance to enjoy a meal together.

To enquire about booking a NEST Youth program at your location, please complete our EOI form.

The Youth NEST program is designed to be delivered in youth centres or organisations supporting young people. For Australian schools, we offer FEAST—our FREE, curriculum-aligned program that includes everything needed to inspire change: teacher professional development, engaging lessons, tasty recipes, student workbooks, and ongoing support from the passionate OzHarvest FEAST team.

For more information or to run a FEAST program please visit:

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The impact of NEST

The NEST program has been formally evaluated as a sound evidence-based public health nutrition program that can help to promote cooking confidence, healthy eating, and food security. For more information, check out our recent NEST article published in Nutrients MDPI, an international peer-reviewed academic journal.

Learn more

NEST Impact


Increased intake of healthy food and drinks


Were more confident to make healthy food choices on a budget


Would recommend NEST to their friends and family

For charities: register for NEST

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Please note if the cost of the program is a barrier, we are able to offer some free of charge programs in certain locations

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NEST Corporate Partners

Contact us

Ebony Yin
NEST Program Manager
(03) 9999 5070
[email protected]