Bequest & Offline Donations
A bequest or offline donation to OzHarvest makes a lasting difference and it doesn’t have to be large to make a valuable impact. For just one dollar, OzHarvest can provide two meals to people in need.

Bequest & Offline Donations
A bequest or offline donation to OzHarvest makes a lasting difference and it doesn’t have to be large to make a valuable impact. For just one dollar, OzHarvest can provide two meals to people in need.

A wonderful way to help ‘Nourish Our Country‘ is to become an OzHarvest Guardian by leaving a gift to OzHarvest in your will. This lasting legacy ensures OzHarvest can continue to keep good food out of landfill, and feed hungry people in our community.
Information on suggested language for leaving a gift to OzHarvest in your will can be downloaded here.
If you’d like further information on leaving a bequest or gift in your will to OzHarvest please contact our team on 1800 108 006 or [email protected]
If you are preparing your Will, OzHarvest is a member of Willed and Gathered Here – services to help guide you through the process. Please visit or

Offline donations
By cheque:
Please make all cheques or money orders payable to OzHarvest Limited and post it to us at:
OzHarvest Limited
PO Box 7257
Alexandria NSW 2015
Please ensure your donation is accompanied by your name, address and email so that we can provide you with a tax receipt.
By phone:
With your credit or debit card, please call us on 1800 108 006 or 02 9516 3877.

Offline donations
By Direct Debit via EFT:
Our bank details are as follows:
Company Name: OzHarvest Limited
Bank: Commonwealth Bank, Martin Place
BSB Number: 062000
Account Number: 14484073
Please include your name/company name as a reference for the donation.
So that we can provide you with a Tax Receipt, please then drop us an email to [email protected] and include the following information:
- Name of the Company or Individual making the donation
- Email or postal address
- Telephone contact (we like to say thank you!)
- Date and amount of donation
We will email or post you a receipt. If you make a regular donation via EFT we will issue one tax receipt (outlining details of all donations) in July at the end of the Financial Year.
International donations
For all donations outside of Australia, please contact [email protected]